Good Morning BES Community,
This email is to inform you that under the Education Act, school boards must ensure that all students currently enrolled in their schools be re-registered on an annual basis each year.
To ensure we meet this requirement, the re-registration is completed online through your Mozaïk Parent Portal account (excluding K4 students, paper forms will be sent home today). This process is easy to complete and will only take you a few minutes to re-register your child(ren) for the 2022-2023 school year.
Parents of students in Grade 6 transitioning to Hadley Junior High School will receive communication from HJHS regarding re-registration.
The re-registration process must completed even if your child is NOT (field indicated) returning to Buckingham Elementary School.
The deadline to complete the re-registration is April 3rd, 2022.
Should you have any problems creating your portal account or completing the re-registration, please contact the school. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this process.